I’m Lindsey, your #1 hype woman for boudoir and business!
I have 2 modes: resting bitch face + semi approachable. I promise, I’m super cool, pretty funny and have crack head, hype woman energy. Let’s be friends, k?
Both of my businesses are centered around hyping you up to 1. celebrate your body or 2. build a kickass, sustainable business! My brand is aggressive love and encouragement – sounds ridiculous, but if you know me, it makes TOTAL SENSE. I speak in capital letters and will help you see how amazing, fabulous and delicious you are! Also, RIP to your eardrums…
I can tell you all of the other shit that makes me qualified for you to trust me to either whip a titty out at me (boudoir clients) or help you build your business (photographers) but honestly that’s a lot of typing and bull shit. I have a consult call with all new clients to make sure we vibe so you can ask me then.
Also me: 93% of my life is spent being VERY Type A and the other 7% is pure chaos! So yeah, that’s fun. Moved to Lex, KY in 2019 but now travel the world and back home to NC and to KY to see my kick ass clients. To further stalk me, scroll down to the bottom of my site and click my IG. K? Cool. Thx
PS, dis is my face + booty cheeks. I take spicy selfies in my studio a few times a month to test out new poses, feel like a bad bitch myself and because it’s just fucking fun. Plz also enjoy these bts!